Forum darktable FR
Open CL non disponible [RESOLU] - Version imprimable

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Open CL non disponible [RESOLU] - cedbarret - 01-04-20

J'aimerai activé l'open CL sur mon PC mais je sais pas si c'est possible.
Dès installation du logiciel, open CL non disponible en grisé.
Ps : MAJ du noyau linux 5.3.0-45-generic
Je met en PJ les infos de mon système Linux Mint et Darktable.

[Image: Informations-syst-me.png]

[Image: Darktable-f.png]

RE: Open CL non disponible - jpverrue - 01-04-20

Il manque l'essentiel, la configuration graphique : Amd (version) ? Nvidia (version) ? Capacité mémoire de la carte ?

Oops ! Pas vu l'image !

Pour AMD il faut que amdgpu-pro soit installé. Ce dernier ne prend en charge que des cartes récentes. voir :

RE: Open CL non disponible - cedbarret - 01-04-20

(01-04-20, 11:46)jpverrue a écrit : Il manque l'essentiel, la configuration graphique : Amd (version) ? Nvidia (version) ? Capacité mémoire de la carte ?

Oops ! Pas vu l'image !

Pour AMD il faut que amdgpu-pro soit installé. Ce dernier ne prend en charge que des cartes récentes. voir :

J'ai regarder, pas la bonne version système et pas le bon modèle de carte.
Merci pour l'aide.

[Image: AMDGPU-PRO.png]

RE: Open CL non disponible - jpg54 - 01-04-20

De plus ton processeur ne permet pas d'utiliser d'utiliser le nouveau Neo Intel.

RE: Open CL non disponible - cedbarret - 01-04-20

(01-04-20, 12:40)jpg54 a écrit : De plus ton processeur ne permet pas d'utiliser d'utiliser le nouveau Neo Intel.

Je savais pas.
C'est quoi le Neo Intel?

RE: Open CL non disponible - jpg54 - 01-04-20

C'est un driver qui permet d'utiliser l'Open-Cl des cartes graphiques intégrées aux processeurs Intel mais il n'est accessible qu'aux processeurs Ix 7000 et supérieurs.

Open CL non disponible - jpverrue - 01-04-20

Peux-tu éditer ton premier message et ajouter [résolu] dans le titre? Merci !

RE: Open CL non disponible [RESOLU] - nicoauffray - 01-04-20

Peut-être que la prochaine version de Mint te permettra d'avoir l'OpenCL. Il me semble que le noyau 5.4 améliore le support AMD/OpenCL. Il me semble...

RE: Open CL non disponible [RESOLU] - JonathanGB - 02-04-20


Étant sous Archlinux je rencontre également des difficultés avec OpenCL, j'ai installé mesa-opencl avec pacman mais Darktable refuse d'utiliser OpenCl avec mesa :

Code :
[jonathan@arch ~]$ darktable-cltest
0.059803 [opencl_init] opencl related configuration options:
0.059814 [opencl_init]
0.059816 [opencl_init] opencl: 1
0.059818 [opencl_init] opencl_scheduling_profile: 'default'
0.059820 [opencl_init] opencl_library: ''
0.059824 [opencl_init] opencl_memory_requirement: 768
0.059826 [opencl_init] opencl_memory_headroom: 400
0.059829 [opencl_init] opencl_device_priority: '*/!0,*/*/*/!0,*'
0.059834 [opencl_init] opencl_mandatory_timeout: 200
0.059836 [opencl_init] opencl_size_roundup: 16
0.059840 [opencl_init] opencl_async_pixelpipe: 0
0.059842 [opencl_init] opencl_synch_cache: active module
0.059844 [opencl_init] opencl_number_event_handles: 25
0.059849 [opencl_init] opencl_micro_nap: 1000
0.059852 [opencl_init] opencl_use_pinned_memory: 0
0.059855 [opencl_init] opencl_use_cpu_devices: 0
0.059856 [opencl_init] opencl_avoid_atomics: 0
0.059859 [opencl_init]
0.060357 [opencl_init] found opencl runtime library 'libOpenCL'
0.060375 [opencl_init] opencl library 'libOpenCL' found on your system and loaded
0.194770 [opencl_init] found 1 platform
0.194787 [opencl_init] found 1 device
0.194803 [opencl_init] discarding device 0 `Radeon RX 580 Series (POLARIS10, DRM 3.36.0, 5.5.13-arch2-1, LLVM 9.0.1)' - The OpenCL driver doesn't provide image support. See also 'clinfo' output.
0.194815 [opencl_init] no suitable devices found.
0.194818 [opencl_init] FINALLY: opencl is NOT AVAILABLE on this system.
0.194821 [opencl_init] initial status of opencl enabled flag is OFF.

Je pense avoir la réponse pour l'auteur, il y a possibilité d'utiliser ROCm ou bien le pilote propriétaire pour la gestion d'OpenCL et qui peut cohabiter avec le pilote libre qui lui gère OpenGL/Vulkan. (Voir wiki Archlinux).

Pour ma part je n'ai pour le moment pas réussi, ROCm sur archlinux est disponnible uniquement dans AUR et j'ai des soucis de dépendance pour la compilation, je m'y pencherai plus tard.
Avec le pilote propriétaire opencl-amd dans AUR, Darktable n'arrive pas à se lancer, voilà le retour de la commande darktable-cltest :

Code :
[jonathan@arch ~]$ darktable-cltest
0.043421 [opencl_init] opencl related configuration options:
0.043432 [opencl_init]
0.043434 [opencl_init] opencl: 1
0.043436 [opencl_init] opencl_scheduling_profile: 'default'
0.043438 [opencl_init] opencl_library: ''
0.043440 [opencl_init] opencl_memory_requirement: 768
0.043443 [opencl_init] opencl_memory_headroom: 400
0.043444 [opencl_init] opencl_device_priority: '*/!0,*/*/*/!0,*'
0.043447 [opencl_init] opencl_mandatory_timeout: 200
0.043449 [opencl_init] opencl_size_roundup: 16
0.043450 [opencl_init] opencl_async_pixelpipe: 0
0.043453 [opencl_init] opencl_synch_cache: active module
0.043456 [opencl_init] opencl_number_event_handles: 25
0.043460 [opencl_init] opencl_micro_nap: 1000
0.043462 [opencl_init] opencl_use_pinned_memory: 0
0.043465 [opencl_init] opencl_use_cpu_devices: 0
0.043466 [opencl_init] opencl_avoid_atomics: 0
0.043468 [opencl_init]
0.043630 [opencl_init] found opencl runtime library 'libOpenCL'
0.043648 [opencl_init] opencl library 'libOpenCL' found on your system and loaded
0.191940 [opencl_init] found 2 platforms
0.191956 [opencl_init] found 2 devices
0.191977 [opencl_init] discarding device 0 `Radeon RX 580 Series (POLARIS10, DRM 3.36.0, 5.5.13-arch2-1, LLVM 9.0.1)' - The OpenCL driver doesn't provide image support. See also 'clinfo' output.
0.191991 [opencl_init] device 1 `Ellesmere' supports image sizes of 16384 x 16384
0.191995 [opencl_init] device 1 `Ellesmere' allows GPU memory allocations of up to 4048MB
[opencl_init] device 1: Ellesmere
    GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE:          7521MB
    MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE:      256
    MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES:      [ 1024 1024 1024 ]
    DRIVER_VERSION:           3004.6
    DEVICE_VERSION:           OpenCL 1.2 AMD-APP (3004.6)
0.290433 [opencl_init] options for OpenCL compiler: -w  -DAMD=1 -I"/usr/share/darktable/kernels"
0.290561 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.291061 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '281342fda6ec80ee8f4a3a0ae4287677'
0.291068 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '281342fda6ec80ee8f4a3a0ae4287677'
0.293304 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.293312 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.293314 BUILD LOG:
0.293322 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.293407 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: 'c3524664673d6b26a032ffd5196e9df5'
0.293412 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: 'c3524664673d6b26a032ffd5196e9df5'
0.294012 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.294019 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.294021 BUILD LOG:
0.294028 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.295631 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '4dae13b17099f58d3eea404df8d1eb59'
0.295640 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '4dae13b17099f58d3eea404df8d1eb59'
0.306683 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.306696 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.306699 BUILD LOG:
0.306711 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.307583 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: 'e9b72ab01e2a96b08ed7a25f614f65f4'
0.307590 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: 'e9b72ab01e2a96b08ed7a25f614f65f4'
0.310171 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.310180 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.310183 BUILD LOG:
0.310192 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.310344 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: 'af8a9eaf3fccd2d093f61620ac4654e8'
0.310351 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: 'af8a9eaf3fccd2d093f61620ac4654e8'
0.311200 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.311207 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.311209 BUILD LOG:
0.311216 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.311362 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '3d4c348733dd8a7378eb3d475c574d9f'
0.311368 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '3d4c348733dd8a7378eb3d475c574d9f'
0.312485 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.312492 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.312494 BUILD LOG:
0.312501 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.312683 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: 'c07c2eace82afa429067e2d49543710a'
0.312689 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: 'c07c2eace82afa429067e2d49543710a'
0.313845 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.313852 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.313854 BUILD LOG:
0.313861 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.313966 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '69ef0f7636d0fffb6265e0418a2558fc'
0.313972 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '69ef0f7636d0fffb6265e0418a2558fc'
0.314662 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.314669 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.314671 BUILD LOG:
0.314677 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.315300 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '5a5c6c7b6ebcf2ed7f224130a3f4e7af'
0.315307 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '5a5c6c7b6ebcf2ed7f224130a3f4e7af'
0.319333 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.319342 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.319344 BUILD LOG:
0.319351 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.319488 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '61ade95a370150b5f880ee749eccddf8'
0.319495 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '61ade95a370150b5f880ee749eccddf8'
0.320381 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.320388 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.320390 BUILD LOG:
0.320397 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.320599 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '870258aa1ed4f8fd6c706460dd81986f'
0.320606 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '870258aa1ed4f8fd6c706460dd81986f'
0.321730 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.321737 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.321739 BUILD LOG:
0.321746 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.322101 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: 'de0bdeb99a75ccb4fd61e255a4ae1039'
0.322108 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: 'de0bdeb99a75ccb4fd61e255a4ae1039'
0.325092 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.325100 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.325103 BUILD LOG:
0.325115 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.325248 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '40e761b83f7eeb517731e6ab215f440b'
0.325254 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '40e761b83f7eeb517731e6ab215f440b'
0.326354 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.326361 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.326363 BUILD LOG:
0.326369 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.326540 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: 'c6d209290731373be097a1eb3d5011ea'
0.326547 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: 'c6d209290731373be097a1eb3d5011ea'
0.327481 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.327488 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.327490 BUILD LOG:
0.327496 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.327579 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '15d10f9e44fb1d4e476fd0aceaf4f259'
0.327585 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '15d10f9e44fb1d4e476fd0aceaf4f259'
0.328150 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.328157 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.328159 BUILD LOG:
0.328165 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.328410 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '8031754a9fa091c6c1df6a6e182b2bf7'
0.328417 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '8031754a9fa091c6c1df6a6e182b2bf7'
0.329482 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.329489 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.329491 BUILD LOG:
0.329498 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.329970 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '46253e456c1019f46795ff98c0ae1075'
0.329977 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '46253e456c1019f46795ff98c0ae1075'
0.333223 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.333230 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.333232 BUILD LOG:
0.333240 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.333337 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '2762470ef2014f12f1c5755f1c0d4f52'
0.333343 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '2762470ef2014f12f1c5755f1c0d4f52'
0.333800 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.333807 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.333809 BUILD LOG:
0.333818 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.334072 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '1aae2edd5e6b2c69c8532eee186c901e'
0.334079 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '1aae2edd5e6b2c69c8532eee186c901e'
0.336563 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.336570 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.336572 BUILD LOG:
0.336579 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.336962 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: 'fdeab8daeecbdee3082d2b99b5827175'
0.336969 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: 'fdeab8daeecbdee3082d2b99b5827175'
0.338372 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.338380 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.338382 BUILD LOG:
0.338388 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.338510 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '40902b08117b483c5ace8c61183fe5ec'
0.338517 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '40902b08117b483c5ace8c61183fe5ec'
0.339308 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.339315 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.339318 BUILD LOG:
0.339324 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.339487 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '9198d0bff7ed799662bd52c2ae389789'
0.339494 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '9198d0bff7ed799662bd52c2ae389789'
0.341188 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.341195 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.341197 BUILD LOG:
0.341203 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.342832 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '8e028797837029a00f2fbaae0f58411b'
0.342840 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '8e028797837029a00f2fbaae0f58411b'
0.355108 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.355125 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.355127 BUILD LOG:
0.355141 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.355312 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '8879384b00f65c0f42743255858a7ce4'
0.355319 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '8879384b00f65c0f42743255858a7ce4'
0.356240 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.356251 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.356253 BUILD LOG:
0.356260 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.356386 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '036cc48dd35e8186d1692ba36452bd8b'
0.356392 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '036cc48dd35e8186d1692ba36452bd8b'
0.356906 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.356923 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.356927 BUILD LOG:
0.356937 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.357039 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '9b9c8be1de4e47cd10e74328df2a0ee1'
0.357045 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '9b9c8be1de4e47cd10e74328df2a0ee1'
0.357515 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.357522 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.357525 BUILD LOG:
0.357531 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.357735 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '9694ab3adc7da54c864ac1436578c3c7'
0.357742 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '9694ab3adc7da54c864ac1436578c3c7'
0.359831 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.359838 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.359840 BUILD LOG:
0.359847 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.359976 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: 'f0f9c4880961cdd71d4e4de1e844f994'
0.359983 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: 'f0f9c4880961cdd71d4e4de1e844f994'
0.361259 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.361266 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.361269 BUILD LOG:
0.361275 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.361430 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: '2be0898ff4603130047a803a4b907423'
0.361437 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: '2be0898ff4603130047a803a4b907423'
0.362392 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.362399 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.362401 BUILD LOG:
0.362409 [opencl_init] compiling program `' ..
0.362513 [opencl_load_program] loaded cached binary program from file '/home/jonathan/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_Ellesmere_30046/' MD5: 'cbc6d2d11444add03b7417f15b90236d'
0.362519 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/usr/share/darktable/kernels/' MD5: 'cbc6d2d11444add03b7417f15b90236d'
0.362996 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.363003 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.363005 BUILD LOG:
0.363010 [opencl_init] kernel loading time: 0.0725
0.363017 [opencl_init] OpenCL successfully initialized.
0.363020 [opencl_init] here are the internal numbers and names of OpenCL devices available to darktable:
0.363022 [opencl_init]        0    'Ellesmere'
0.363024 [opencl_init] FINALLY: opencl is AVAILABLE on this system.
0.363026 [opencl_init] initial status of opencl enabled flag is ON.
0.363038 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `blendop_mask_Lab' (0) for device 0
0.363043 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `blendop_mask_RAW' (1) for device 0
0.363045 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `blendop_mask_rgb' (2) for device 0
0.363049 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `blendop_Lab' (3) for device 0
0.363054 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `blendop_RAW' (4) for device 0
0.363062 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `blendop_rgb' (5) for device 0
0.363065 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `blendop_mask_tone_curve' (6) for device 0
0.363067 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `blendop_set_mask' (7) for device 0
0.363071 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `blendop_display_channel' (8) for device 0
0.363076 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `zero' (9) for device 0
0.363079 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `splat' (10) for device 0
0.363082 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `blur_line' (11) for device 0
0.363085 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `blur_line_z' (12) for device 0
0.363088 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `slice' (13) for device 0
0.363091 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `slice_to_output' (14) for device 0
0.363095 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `gaussian_column_1c' (15) for device 0
0.363098 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `gaussian_transpose_1c' (16) for device 0
0.363102 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `gaussian_column_4c' (17) for device 0
0.363104 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `gaussian_transpose_4c' (18) for device 0
0.363111 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `interpolation_resample' (19) for device 0
0.363115 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `pad_input' (20) for device 0
0.363118 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `gauss_expand' (21) for device 0
0.363121 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `gauss_reduce' (22) for device 0
0.363123 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `laplacian_assemble' (23) for device 0
0.363127 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `process_curve' (24) for device 0
0.363129 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `write_back' (25) for device 0
0.363132 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `dwt_add_img_to_layer' (26) for device 0
0.363135 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `dwt_subtract_layer' (27) for device 0
0.363140 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `dwt_hat_transform_col' (28) for device 0
0.363143 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `dwt_hat_transform_row' (29) for device 0
0.363147 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `dwt_init_buffer' (30) for device 0
0.363153 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `colorspaces_transform_lab_to_rgb_matrix' (31) for device 0
0.363157 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `colorspaces_transform_rgb_matrix_to_lab' (32) for device 0
0.363164 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `colorspaces_transform_rgb_matrix_to_rgb' (33) for device 0
0.363168 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `guided_filter_split_rgb_image' (34) for device 0
0.363172 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `guided_filter_box_mean_x' (35) for device 0
0.363176 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `guided_filter_box_mean_y' (36) for device 0
0.363178 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `guided_filter_covariances' (37) for device 0
0.363181 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `guided_filter_variances' (38) for device 0
0.363185 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `guided_filter_update_covariance' (39) for device 0
0.363189 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `guided_filter_solve' (40) for device 0
0.363191 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `guided_filter_generate_result' (41) for device 0

Il reste figé sur la dernière ligne

0.363191 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `guided_filter_generate_result' (41) for device 0

Une idée ?

Code :
[jonathan@arch ~]$ uname -a
Linux arch 5.5.13-arch2-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon, 30 Mar 2020 20:42:41 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[Image: Capture-d-cran-du-2020-04-02-15-58-22.jpg]

RE: Open CL non disponible [RESOLU] - nicoauffray - 02-04-20

darktable ne refuse rien. Il détecte si l'OpenCL est activé correctement sur ton système. Et là, il t'informe que non, donc il ne peut pas l'activer. Le problème est lié au pilote. Ta carte Radeon semble assez vieille, pas sûr qu'il y ait de pilote supportant l'OpenCL sous Linux pour ce type de carte. Seul une recherche web (hors ce site/forum) t'aidera à vérifier ce point.