14-01-20, 15:58
Cette possibilité n'existe pas dans darktable. J'ai écrit un script (images-non-taguées.sh) pour identifier ces images.
Tu peux l'utiliser de trois façons différentes :
Code :
# copyright jp verrue
# licence GPL V2
function folder()
[ -z ${pellicule} ] && exit 1
sqlite3 ~/.config/darktable/library.db << EOS
select distinct film_rolls.folder
from images, film_rolls
where images.film_id = film_rolls.id
and film_rolls.folder like "%/Photos/${pellicule}%"
and images.id not in
(select tagged_images.imgid from tagged_images, used_tags
where tagged_images.tagid = used_tags.id
and used_tags.name not like "darktable%")
order by 1
function all()
sqlite3 ~/.config/darktable/library.db << EOS
select film_rolls.id as "filmroll_id", images.id as "image_id", film_rolls.folder, images.filename
from images, film_rolls
where images.film_id = film_rolls.id
and images.id not in
(select tagged_images.imgid from tagged_images, used_tags
where tagged_images.tagid = used_tags.id
and used_tags.name not like "darktable%")
order by 3, 4
function files()
[ -z ${pellicule} ] && exit 1
sqlite3 ~/.config/darktable/library.db << EOS
select film_rolls.id as "filmroll_id", images.id as "image_id", film_rolls.folder, images.filename
from images, film_rolls
where images.film_id = film_rolls.id
and film_rolls.folder like "%/Photos/${pellicule}%"
and images.id not in
(select tagged_images.imgid from tagged_images, used_tags
where tagged_images.tagid = used_tags.id
and used_tags.name not like "darktable%")
order by 3, 4
case $1 in
"-f") shift
folder $1
"") all
*) files $1
- images-non-taguées.sh -f <pellicule à analyser> # analyse une pellicule
- images-non-taguées.sh # analyse le cotenu complet de la BdD
- images-non-taguées.sh <nom de fichier .... > # analyse les fichiers donnés en argument.
Mes photos : jpverrue.fr